80 runs forward - Constantly updated
160 quarter mile radius maps, Points on maps now show times the point has been asked.
1400 Points listed in Postcode order and most asked down to least.
80 Reverse Runs
80 WizLink Runs
WizLinks are the short runs between each start and end point of each bluebook run
Works with Greater London Street Atlas map references
Paper Bluebook Module 1
When you attend your first introductory talk with TFL they will supply you with a list of routes to learn.This list contains 320 route titles. They are broken into 4 books of 80 runs. Those 80 runs are then broken down into 5 list of 16 runs. The modules displayed here contain 80 runs, 5 lists of 16 which is 1 complete module.
WizAnn products are printed to order, this means the information contained will be as recent and as up to date as possible. If anything in the book is out of date at the time of purchase please let us know and we will send you the updated information. Changes that occur after the book is purchased and dispatched can be bought from the Updates page on our site
We welcome your feedback and are always here to answer any questions you may have regarding the information within the book. If you feel the route given in any of our books is not the optimum please contact us. We will explain why this route is chosen or immediately update the run to suit the improved version.